
To Dubai Captain!

clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - dubai yacht tour - sabrina chakici-17Dubai……the famous ex-pat city known for luxury shopping, buildings that reach the clouds and the liveliest nightlife scene in the UAE – it also has a rather pretty coastline 😉

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clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - dubai yacht tour - sabrina chakici-62No need to write too much on this one as the pictures say it all 😉 However first things first……my swimsuit is from Topshop and my glasses are from Celine.

Now onto the waters……..the beautiful and ever changing coastline of Dubai.

This time last week my beau and I were sailing the big deep blue and taking in all of the breathless sights of this amazing city, I would fully recommend that if you ever travel to Dubai you do the same!

The best part? It wasn’t too pricey as we booked it using an amazing deal on Groupon. (insert hands in the air emoji)

Yep, that’s about it! Stay tuned for more Dubai snaps and tips……I have quite a few 😉




  1. Shannon Sage
    January 3, 2016 / 4:19 pm

    That bathing suit looks amazing on you!! You are so rocking it! I love belt with it as well! Such an interesting idea! These are beautiful pictures!

    Shannon Sage

    • Sabrina
      January 14, 2016 / 6:41 pm

      Thanks hun, it helped keep my boobs in 😉 xX

    • Sabrina
      January 14, 2016 / 6:39 pm

      Thanks so much babe xX

    • Sabrina
      January 14, 2016 / 6:37 pm

      Oh wow lucky you!! x

  2. Jeanelly
    January 4, 2016 / 11:09 pm

    I’ve only dreamed of visiting Dubai! It looks so amazing! you look stunning, my dear. Happy New year!

    • Sabrina
      January 14, 2016 / 6:36 pm

      Thanks so much hun! Happy New Year! x

    • Sabrina
      January 14, 2016 / 6:30 pm

      Thank-you darling x

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