
Casual in Dubai

clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - sabrina chakici -_-88So apparently, 3 or 4 days a year, Dubai gets a little chilly! With a suitcase full of summer clothes sometimes you just have to work with what you got 😉clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - sabrina chakici -_-71

clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - sabrina chakici -_-72

clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - sabrina chakici -_-73

clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - sabrina chakici -_-78

clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - sabrina chakici -_-81

clutch and carry on - uk travel blogger - dubai travel blog - sabrina chakici -_-84Jeans – 7 of All Mankind/Shirt – Warehouse/Boots – Jeffery Campbell/Bag – Chanel

Location – The Ritz Carlton JBR Dubai

Hey guys, I hope all is well and those New Years resolutions are still going strong 😉 I didn’t make any this year so that’s made it easier for me to keep them!

I have just arrived home from LA after E! Hosting duties at The Golden Globes (Major pinch me moment!!) and I have switched up my look a little bit with a new hairstyle, did you guys see on instagram and snapchat?

It was a look suggested by my E! Team but I was happy to welcome the change as it’s always great to switch things up and try out new styles. I am taking a while to get used to this shorter hair malarky but I’m sure it’ll grow on me……sorry I had to use the obvious pun!

Making changes to your personal appearance can be quite problematic for a blogger as we very rarely post to date, so be aware that I still have quite a few images backed up with my long dark locks……..mainly travel posts so it should’t be too confusing. I’m off out today to shoot some new looks for you, I’m excited to get some winter style diaries on here as I haven’t worn a coat yet this season! The up-side to all this travel 😉

Speaking of travel…….can you guess where I’m off to next?





    • Sabrina
      January 14, 2016 / 6:24 pm

      Thanks gorgeous! x

  1. Shannon Sage
    January 15, 2016 / 1:29 pm

    That’s so cool that you got to go to the golden globes!! I love this shirt! I have one just like it and I wear it all the time!:)

    Shannon Sage

  2. Diana
    January 15, 2016 / 4:55 pm

    Your new hair looks amazing, cant wait to see your new looks with it! Love this outfit btw, the shoes are amazing! x

  3. Alix Niyonkinzo
    January 17, 2016 / 9:16 pm

    Perfect! I love the ease in the outfit, making it look really simple and elegant at the same time 🙂

    / Alix N,

  4. Dedicated server
    March 20, 2016 / 4:39 am

    It s always fun to become a part of a country s local customs and adopt them to the fullest. Women always have fun enjoying the local dresses of Dubai, be it abayas or long gowns. So you too can surely give them a try and experience the real life of Dubai.

    • Sabrina
      March 29, 2016 / 8:29 pm

      So true x

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