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Hong Kong 1,3,5

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Last week I had the pleasure of exploring the sky scraping marvel that is Hong Kong……..Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-40I was lucky enough to be invited out as a guest of Conrad Hotels to discover and enjoyΒ Hong Kong in a unique and innovative way.

The Conrad Hotel group have recently launched an amazing travel initiative to help their luxury travellers explore a city with ease. I don’t know about you guys but whenever I travel I spend so much time prior and whilst in the location trying to find out where to go and what to see, scrolling through blogs, checking out travel comparison sites and publications, even lugging around a guide book. So when I heardΒ about Conrad’s Stay inspired programme I knew I had to share it with you guys!

Conrad have created a loose interactive itinerary ( that helps steer visitors in the right direction when travelling to a new city. An informative hub to allow guests to explore outside of the hotel walls and really make the most of their stay. Suggested experiences have then been very handily divided into 1, 3 and 5 hour activities. So not only are you shown what to do and where to go you are also given a realistic time allowance for each activity – how fab?

So if you are travelling on business and know that you only have 3 hours to spare you can look at the 3 hour options, or maybe squeeze in 3 1 hour options πŸ˜‰ Allowing you manage your time effectively and really maximise your cultural experience in the city you are visiting.
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Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-7So what to do when you have a few days in Hong Kong?

Well, one great experience is Victoria Peak, listed as one of the 3 hour excursions on (see here)Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-11

Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-9Known to the locals at ‘The peak’ this spot is quite possibly the best way to take in the breath taking views of the city.

We wandered up the to The Peak in the early hours of the morning, which I would suggest is the best time of day to go if you are travelling during the warmer months, the high levels of humidity in Hong Kong really take toll on any physical exercise.

I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of greenery in the city and it was a real treat to have the freedom to explore and enjoy the tranquility of being so close to the clouds, whilst looking down on the busy, bustling city.

The team at Conrad arranged a lovely breakfast in the hills and an introductory Tai Chi Lesson which was great. Our instructor took us through some sequences and I really enjoyed the lesson. As someone who often practices yoga I loved the invigorating feeling of the movements and I was able to get beautifully lost in the moment.IMG_2546

IMG_2548There is also specific tourist spot, The Sky Terrace that allows you to see even more of the views, you have to pay to visit the viewing space but it really is breathtaking and amazing for photos, see below πŸ˜‰
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Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-17

Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-21We were so lucky with the weather as we had a really beautiful view on the day – it is however, very rare to have a clear photo up here due to the high humidity so go prepared to have a little mystery in your images πŸ˜‰

A great option for dining out would be to enjoy one of the 1 hour experiences, Dim Sum at Duddells.
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This is a members only club that is super swish and full of beautiful people – picture Soho House with Chinese cuisine.

We were treated to a media lunch so we were able to sample a number of dishes from the menu, so handy for someone like me who likes to try everything! The food was an experience in itself, so many different favours and textures – I would highly recommend this place if you are looking for an authentic restaurant with high class service and an exclusive appeal. Read the Conrad write up here.
MyΒ favourite discovery of the trip had to be PMQ – blogger fiends and ladies who love to shop when you travel this place is an absolute mecca!! It’s listed as one of the 5 hour experiences here but you could easily spend all day here if your credit card would allow the beating πŸ˜‰
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Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-49

Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-47The centre is a hub for new designers that are just starting out and don’t have the business budget to rent a high priced, well located store. The location is actually a historical site but the government revitalised the site in 2009 and offered discounted rates to new designers and creatives – such an amazing thing for the government to do as property prices in Hong Kong are some of the most expensive in the world.

I discovered an amazing shop that had the fashion store SAU (browse/shop here) and jewellery designer Kasane (browse/shop here) in the same space. I snapped up a gorgeous outfit and beautiful sapphire ring – I will create a fashion post featuring them soon, I was so glad to stumble across the store and could have spent hours in there. Luckily we were on a schedule so I couldn’t do too much damage πŸ˜‰Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-45

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Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-43I really fell in love with the vibrant colours of this city – me and my camera could have happily roamed for hours. Make sure you do the same if you have the option to travel here, it’s very much a walking city.Clutch and carry on - sabrina chakici - conrad stay inspired - conrad hong kong - travel blog hong kong - travel blogger-42

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The wet market is another great place to visit, I really felt like I was in the thick of things here, so many amazing colours, smells, even personalities!As you can see, it caught my eye so well I visited there twice πŸ˜‰ It’s mainly a fresh market with fruits, meat and fish but there are also a few kitsch souvenir stalls. It’s a great place for a snap and to pick up a quirky Chinese keepsake.

And there you have Hong Kong by day! I thought I’d save ‘Hong Kong by night‘ for another post as the skyline is truly magnificent, it deserves it’s own πŸ˜‰

A big thanks to the Conrad Hotel group for introducing this amazing initiative to me, make sure you head to before planning your next trip. It really is an invaluable site when roaming!I will be writing about the incredible Conrad Hong Kong next so make sure you stay tuned, I can’t wait to share my experience with you, the team were beyond fantastic and the view from my room was stunning! I know you may have already had a sneak peek on instagram, but I’ve saved the best snaps for here πŸ˜‰



  1. Lottie
    November 5, 2015 / 3:46 pm

    This post was such a great read, what an amaizng idea! I love Conrad I stayed at their hotel in Singapore recently. Your photos are fab can’t wait to see more!!! X

    • Sabrina
      November 6, 2015 / 6:47 am

      Thanks Lottie – I have heard that their Singapore Hotel is lush! I must go there next πŸ˜‰ x

    • Sabrina
      November 6, 2015 / 6:48 am

      Thanks hun, I did my best to capture it’s beauty – such a different city with a great mix of old and new! x

  2. Emma
    November 5, 2015 / 9:20 pm

    Ohh Hong Kong looks absolutely amazing! I love the sound of the Conrad’s Stay Inspired program, it sounds fantastic! You’ve taken gorgeous photos lovely, looks like you had a fab time! Xx

    • Sabrina
      November 6, 2015 / 6:51 am

      Thanks Emma – it is such an amazing initiative – it’s not often hotels offer such a great all round experience – they have rolled it out in lots of cities so make sure you check out the website when you get a chance πŸ™‚ x

  3. Annie Abbey
    November 6, 2015 / 11:01 pm

    These are such great pictures and this whole post was so fun to read! I would love to visit Asia sometime soon! Its definitely on my bucket list!

  4. Diana
    November 7, 2015 / 11:39 am

    Oh i want to go there so much you lucky thing! definitely sounds good to have them plan it for you : ) enjoy your weekend and hopefully see you soon! xx

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