
Swimming with wild dolphins in Mauritius

1. Sabrina Chakici - - Swiming with Dolphins Mauritius (1 of 1)I have recently returned from an amazing week spent in one of the Indian Ocean’s finest tropical gems, Mauritius. The clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches and lush green mountainous landscape were beyond stunning at this time of year and the iconic pink sunsets quite literally took my breath away!

With the beauty of the island already winning me over it was so easy to fall in love with Mauritius but my main reason for visiting this gorgeous island was not for the dreamy landscape, it was, in fact, for the amazing sea life that surrounds this paradise, namely Dolphins. I have always been a little bit of a mermaid, from swimming professionally as a child for England to gaining my Scuba Diving licence at 18 years old, me and water have somewhat of a love affair. So hearing about the opportunity to swim with wild dolphins in Mauritius had me booking a flight as fast as you can say Flipper!
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Sabrina Chakici - - Swiming with Dolphins Mauritius (13 of 20)

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Sabrina Chakici - - Swiming with Dolphins Mauritius (17 of 20)

I travelled with my friend Inge, who is also a fellow water baby and we were hosted by the stunning Dinarobin Beachcomber Resort in Le Morne which was a perfect location to base ourselves at before heading into the Indian Ocean for the morning. The concierge booked us a private boat that took around 30 minutes to get to the dolphin’s preferred morning hang-out and within moments of arrival we spotted them dancing across the surface of the water. Spotting whales and dolphins in the wild, for me, is one of the most overwhelmingly exiting sights and this experience was incredible as we saw both bottle nose dolphins and spinners from the surface. For those not wanting to brave physically jumping into the sea this view alone was enough to travel out for!

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After admiring them from the boat we had a few seconds to kit up with our snorkel and fins and jump in! As soon as you land in the water the dolphins continue to swim around you and then they all dive deeper down into the ocean making you work for your view 😉 The sound of them singing together put me in a trance and as soon as we jumped in the dolphins grouped together and swam deeper down in unison which was truly spectacular, it was like free diving my way through a Planet Earth documentary!

There really is no experience like it, when I was underwater with the dolphins I had the most incredibly calm feeling, their beauty and the way they glide through the vast ocean creates a moment of true Zen and one of the most memorable and exhilarating moments of my life. That was of course, until my ears popped and I had to swim back up to reality! 😉



  1. Suze - Luxury Columnist
    March 2, 2017 / 11:15 pm

    I see that I’m not the only one to have spotted dolphins recently 😉 I’m impressed that you swam professionally, I like to come up for air a lot when I’m scuba diving!

  2. March 4, 2017 / 7:14 pm

    How amazing to swim with dolphins!! I definitely wish I had more courage to swim in the deep sea.

  3. Emma
    March 7, 2017 / 1:30 pm

    This looks incredible! You have the most amazing experiences! xx

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