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Merry Christmas from Dubai!

Merry Christmas you beauts!!!! I am getting used to this travelling festiveness 😉 From the salt flats in Boliva to Dubai………Those of you following me on social media will already know that I am out in Dubai at the moment celebrating Christmas as the wonderful Ritz Carlton.

We are having such an amazing time and I can’t wait to tell you more about it on here soon! 

In the mean time I just wanted to wish you all a fantastic few days celebrating!

Thank-you to everyone who has supported me and my blog this past year, it really has been an incredible ride and it’s been amazing to share it all with you.There’s something rather special about being in a bikini in December……………..




  1. Sarah
    December 28, 2015 / 6:58 pm

    Merry Christmas Sabrina!!! You are looking fab! must be such a chore always being so beach bod ready 😉 xX

    • Sabrina
      January 3, 2016 / 12:14 pm

      Thanks gorgeous, yep – It kinda is – but it’s all worth it 🙂 x

    • Sabrina
      January 3, 2016 / 12:12 pm

      Thanks hun! xX

  2. Lottie
    December 28, 2015 / 7:37 pm

    Merry Christmas you gorgeous girl, can I have some of your butt as a present? 😉 Dam girl! Love these snaps x

    • Sabrina
      January 3, 2016 / 12:12 pm

      Merry Christmas hun!! Ha ha, there’s enough to spare after all my xmas scoffing 😉 x

    • Sabrina
      January 3, 2016 / 12:12 pm

      Thanks so much hun! x

  3. Trang Do
    December 30, 2015 / 5:21 am

    You are fabulous! Hope you had an amazing Christmas!!
    Kisses and hugs from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

    • Sabrina
      January 3, 2016 / 12:12 pm

      Thanks girl! It was great to enjoy it in the sun 🙂 x

  4. Zarrah
    December 30, 2015 / 10:58 am

    Ahahhaha i feel you dear
    Great to know you are here for Christmas.
    Your looking fab in that bikini.

    Happy New Year! Cheeerrss! 🙂

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

    • Sabrina
      January 3, 2016 / 12:11 pm

      Thanks babe!! Cheers xxx

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